Japan, 1951: 1. An Introductory Comment
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Japan, 1951: 1. An Introductory Comment
The images in this set, "Japan, 1951," are selections from a group of slides taken by Arthur O. Rinden during time that he spent in Japan. Most of the images were taken in 1950 or 1951, while one or two were taken at a later time, as noted. -- After WWII, Arthur and his wife, Gertrude, and one of their children, Edith (called Edaik, the Chinese version of her name, within the family), returned to China. In the spring of 1949, due to the civil war in China, Gertrude and Edith were forced to leave, traveling to Kobe, Japan, where Gertrude had been offered a teaching position at Kobe College. Arthur remained in China until 1950, when he, likewise, was forced to leave China and traveled to Japan, where he spent a year based in Tokyo, working with the Congregational Mission Board, the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. -- Unless otherwise noted, the descriptions that accompany these images are quotations of the descriptions written by Arthur Rinden as what he called "scripts," written to accompany slide shows that he prepared for family and others. Note that a few of the images did not have scripts written to accompany them.
Earlham College
“Japan, 1951: 1. An Introductory Comment,” ASIANetwork IDEAS Project, accessed September 18, 2024, https://ideasproject.org/items/show/1321.