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This depiction of a series of amorous couples in different poses brings the fertility and good fortune they represent into the minds of all who see them.
Auspicious figures of amorous couples in small stone niches adorn the magnificent Kailash Cave Temple, cave #16 in the series of Ellora Caves. These figures represent fertility and good fortune for all who see them.
Auspicious figures of amorous couples in small stone niches adorn the magnificent Kailash Cave Temple, cave #16 in the series of Ellora Caves. These figures represent fertility and good fortune for all who see them.
Auspicious figures of amorous couples in small stone niches adorn the magnificent Kailash Cave Temple, cave #16 in the series of Ellora Caves. These figures represent fertility and good fortune for all who see them.
A closeup of the wedding ceremony of Shiva and Parvati. See also cbind0102.
Shiva takes Parvati's hand to lead her around the sacred fire to solemnize their wedding. Attending the ceremony are dozens of celestial apsaras and gandharvas to dance and sing, as well as Brahma and Vishnu at Shiva's left. The couple standing…
In Cave 29, Dhumar Lena, Shiva is depicted with eight arms carrying different weapons to kill the demon Andhaka. This is a huge wall sculpture approximately 25 feet high, demonstrating the power of Shiva.
Alternately quarrelling and reconciling, the couple, Shiva and Parvati, sit close together here while the demon Ravana shakes their abode from below. Shiva has placed one hand on Parvati's breast while she is resting her hand on his leg.
In this well-known scene, Shiva and Parvati sit close together in their abode on Mt. Kailash while the demon Ravana shakes it from below. Shiva puts his foot down to calm the shaking of Ravana and continues to fondle Parvati.
Mango tree limbs, laden with fruit, are carved over doorways in the caves as auspicious symbols of fertility and good fortune.
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